Friday, October 16, 2009

The Secret To Toddler Bedtime

Chris had soccer practice a couple of weeks ago, my husband takes him and I say home with Zack (Roo). He has a song that he makes us listen to when we go anywhere over and over. So I decided to make him a Cd to listen to while he sleeps. He already had baby Einstein he was listening to for almost two years. I put his favorite song as number one so when I start his Cd at bedtime he will get to hear it. For this first song it had to be Out Last Night by Kenny Chesney. Then so on to Chicken Fried, Small Town Girl, some Taylor Swift and Second Chance. He has a good variety of music he likes. I also had room for some kids songs. Now when he goes to bed he will run to his room and put his arms up for me to pick him up and be put in the crib. I put his Cd on repeat and he gladly goes to sleep.
I am about ready to change his bed to a toddler bed. I'm split between changing his bed or getting a toddler bed. I may see what kinds they have out there and go from there.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Almost The House Of Our Dreams

I look up the houses in our area every so often to see what is for sale. A few weeks ago I saw this house.

We went to look at it the other day. We really like it. It has 20+ acres with it, on top of a hill in the middle of the small town we live in. The house does need a couple of things done to it, like carpet and painting. The price has been dropped twice and several people have looked but no one has bid on it as of Monday. We would have to sell our house in order to buy it. I am thinking about going to the credit union and have the loan lady go over it to see if she thinks we could afford it. The price is a really good deal especially since it has 20 acres. It has 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, a den, family room, living room, huge kitchen, dinning room, 2 stairs with small rooms under the stairs one is set up as a kids playroom. Attic and a 3 car garage. The land has a dirt road on it and fenced off, they just took the cattle off the land last month. And the best part is I would be able to stay there when it stormed. I have wanted a house like this one for a long time. The house 2 doors down is my dream house, which the people who own it will not sale. We were thinking in about 5 years selling our house and building a house like this one on some land probably starting around 20 acres or so.
Sorry for the long time of no posting. I have been extremely busy at work and tired after I put the kids to bed then walk a mile at night. Caught a break today at work.

Friday, May 15, 2009


This is a road close to Mikie's work, I'm not sure if they have shut this one down or not yet. See the hole, goes all the way through. This is the same road as above. It moved the pavement and tucked it under another part. Look at the big chunks of pavement it moved.
This is the road on the way to Mikie's work, the reason he has to get up at 4 in the morning to go all the way around it. They do have it closed and are temporarily fixing it.

Same road as above. It is really washed out underneath. It was falling in as we watched.

This one is our driveway. I called our insurance and we do not have flood insurance in the entire county. We will have to find a way to pay to have it fixed properly. We were holding out until they finished the road. but I guess it will have to be done sooner now.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Mothers Day

Sorry for not posting I have been so busy at work. I hardly have time to do my work much less anything else.

I wanted to remember what Christopher did for me for mothers day this year. He fixed me breakfast in bed. Now remember he is only six. My husband had to work Sunday morning, because of the flooding here. Christopher woke up before me and fixed me a plate of toast and choclate covered strawberry's. Mikie had made the strawberries on Friday. Christopher brought the plate into the bedroom and put it on my stomach. Scared me to death, I was sleeping good. He couldn't make toast. The toaster was not plugged up, he doesn't need to be using it anyway. So he put bread on my plate but it was so cute and sweet. He also made me a car that morning and had made a photo frame for a picture they took at school.

Roo gave me a mothers day present too. He slept til 8:30 that morning.

I hope to get some pics up of the roads close to Mikies work. They were flooded bad Saturday morning and no one could get there. We went out there in the afternoon and looked around.

We shopped around Saturday for our moms. We got my mom a porch swing. It is what she wanted and hers broke a while back ago. We even put it together. Mikies mom we got her a outdoor fire pit. She said she had been wanting on. I cant wait to try the chocolate marshmallows she has for it. For my granny I had worked on something for a while now. I gave her a MP3 player with the bible on it for her to listen to. I have some SD cards to put in it to that I will put other books on them for her. I didn't have it ready by Saturday when we went to visit her so I took it at lunch today. She really liked it. She is in a nursing home and it hurts her eyes to read a lot. So I thought this would be really good for her.
The pics above were taken at my granny's with my aunts new camera. She bought herself Nikon D60.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Family Issues

I wanted to go over some things that has happened in the last couple of weeks. We had to have our septic tank cleaned out and then turns out we had to have the pipe from the house cleaned out also. Cost us 400.00. We asked My parents in law to watch our kids so we could run around in the yard in the rain helping to find our septic tank. She also kept Our nephew the same night. We went and got our kids as soon at the septic people were done. My parents in law wanted us to take Dane home also but I need to go to the eye doctor on the other side of town, so we did not take him home. I am so glad we did not. They go to take him home and no one is there and will not answer there cell phones. Finally they go by there again around 6 and they are home and drop off there grandson. At this point not a biggie. Monday Mikie looks up who got arrested on the Internet. This is public knowledge that is spread out on the Internet, everyone looks it up especially on Mondays to see who went to jail over the weekend. Mostly the guys at my work will find someone we work with and put up there mug shot for everyone to see, all fun and games. It so happens my sister in law went to jail that Saturday morning for public intoxication. Now I really don't think this is a big deal, I mean who has not been in the public and intoxicated at the same time. Any one of us could have went to jail at any time for this.
Mikie saw this on Monday morning and proceeded to call his dad about the situation, which made his dad mad about the whole thing, who told my mother in law about it. She was mad at Mikie for bringing it to his dad's attention. I guess they would rather not know where she is or has been? Anyways she gets all upset that she was a bad mother. She thinks her kids did not turn out so well, even my husband. She is relaying this to him on the phone and he is like wait a minute. How did I turn out so bad? I'm not clear on how she put examples on this to prove her point, but we are supporting ourselves, buying a house and never ask anything of them except to keep our kids every now and then and that is just so we don't have to get a sitter who will do no telling what while she is with our kids.
My sister in law was suppose to keep Zack last week for 3 days our daycare lady had to be off. I asked her in advance and she said she would. That was before going to jail and not talking to her brother. I call her on Sunday to make sure she will keep him because the daycare lady had to be off Monday and Tuesday for family issues, she told me she had a job interview on Monday and could not keep him any at all that week. I'm glad she called to let me know. That put us in a spot where we had to take off of work just to keep Zack. I still haven't heard if she got the job or really had an interview.
So Mikie is currently not talking to his family. His mom did call last night and ask how long can he go without talking to his mother. He said he would talk to her as long as she did not complain about anything, nor talk about his sister. He said he was tired of hearing about it and didn't want to talk to her or be near her at all.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

DayCare Hell Part 2

The pink eye is gone thank goodness. It wasn't as bad as I feared and I never came down with it. I think we are returning to daycare hell again. Our daycare ladies oldest child is having surgery next week and has to be off for 3 days. My friend was gonna watch Roo but then her husband said she could not. My sis in law said she could watch him except for Wed. she is taking her son to register for pre-k. Yesterday daycare ladies husband was rushed to the hospital for fear of a heart attack. She called my mom to pick up the Roo. He is OK but having to go to the cardo doc today. Daycare is also off another 3 days the week of spring break, I do have someone to watch the kids for then tho. Our old daycare lady is thinking about going back to watching kids at her house. The daycare she works at is moving further away and she would have to drive further. She is saying if she has enough kids she will start keeping them at her house. The current daycare will not let Mikie inside her house for some unknown reason. She will meet him on the porch and hand Roo off to him. Now mind you it has been pretty cold here until last week. She does not seem to have a problem with me and I tend to stay a little late just talking to her in the mornings.
I was watching lost last night, that is when I found out about my friend not watching the Roo. But we text back and forth during Lost. We are both intrigued with it and comment it thru the entire show. Last night they had a fish commerical about McDonald's fish sandwich with a singing fish on the wall. It was the funniest thing, I re winded it and made Mikie come in and watch it, he is now wanting a fish sandwich, it is a double fish sandwich. I was watching the iPhone commercial and am now wanting the ipod touch. I texted Mikie today asking what he wanted for his birthday. He called me and asked what that was all about. I told him what I wanted and told him. He told me to just go and buy it. Yippee...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pink Says Eye

I thought Zack had pink eye Sunday. I went to my moms house and when I returned it all pink and gooey, it looked pretty bad. That night he couldn't sleep for coughing and gagging. I put him in his bouncy seat and put him beside our bed, he slept pretty good there. Monday I woke up and decided to take him to the doctor. I called and they did not want to see him just called him in some meds for the eye and told me I could give him Children's pseudoephedrine. He had to sleep in his bouncy seat again last night. He was coughing and finally threw up.
Thursday comes up and Christopher's eye looks pink now. I put the drops in his eyes. It took 3 of us to hold him down for that.
My chest has been hurting on and off since Friday. I went to the doctor today and he said I have an infection in a joint in my ribs. That goes along with my cold or rather sinus infection. He gave me some steroids and some 800mg Motrin. Now I'm feeling a little buzzed, but my chest is not hurting as bad now.
Work has been extremely crazy the past 2 months. We are making changes, adding on and starting to hire more people. Still no one to answer the phones yet, I'm staying hopeful on that front.

Friday, February 13, 2009


I think mother nature is trying to confuse us or something. This is a pretty nice week in lue of temps. I really don't want a repeat of year before last when parts of my trees died from the early budding and then frost. Last year is snowed 8 inches here in March. 8 inches is unheard of here.
Zack has gotten 4 back teeth all at one time. He was a bugger for about a week and now he is in pretty good spirts.
We bought a Christmas present for Christopher. It's the guitar hero world tour. We found it for the Wii at Circuit City at 30% off. Sweet huh.
Valentines is upon us, I got Zack some cups and a Wall-E tee shirt. He needs more tee shirts. Christopher is getting Air Buddies in space DVD and some M & M's. Mikie is getting a card, flash drive and some Rochee's, he loves them. Who knows what I will get.
Mrs. Shell at daycare make the parents homemade cards from the kids. It has pics of Zack all in it. she even cut one out where he looks like he is jumping and all spread out like a jumping jack, It is really cute.
We took cupcakes to school today, you know you can't make anything and take to school anymore, it has to be store bought and in a sealed package. What a bummer, I understand but it puts a strain on people who can't afford to buy prepackaged.
I am still wrapped up in reading, I am now reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer. It proves to be really good and you can see her writing style come out in it, like in Twilight. Speaking of Twilight did you know on Stephenie you can go to the twilight series and see Midnight Sun. She has put it on here site, or what she has written of it. She explains why she lost interest in doing it, but it is part of Twilight but from Edwards point of view. It is really good. I am itching to read it again. I let someone barrow it and they have not finished it yet.
Just thought I would ramble about stuff since I have not posted in a while.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I have so been out of the loop lately. I have had my nose stuck in books for the last 2 weeks. Still reading the Twilight series. I have passed it to my mom, my granny and then my mom's friend Mary. Next I will see if my sister in law wants to read them. After that I will probably read them again. My husband hates when I read, alltho I do throw myself into it and really don't do anything else. I read the last book in the series which is 700 and some odd pages in a day and a half. Needless to say it was a really good book. I feel now that I am in a reading drought, so I have started reading Harry Potter to Christopher. Its hard to keep him still long enough to read a chapter a night. I only read the books once and speed thru them at that, so this will be good at catching all the things I didn't see the first time.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Haircut

This is Zack's before pictures. He was in dire need of a haircut. don't you think.

This was finishing up. He was extremely good during the whole process. He only cried a little when she did the front and when she was brushing him off.

Which makes for a really good hair cut. I should have brushed his hair before taking the front picture huh.

Christopher was not nearly as good a Zack when it came to his first haircut. I had to sit him in my lap and try to keep him calm. Christopher had a hard time his first few cuts. Maybe it helped that Zack got to watch Christopher and Mikie get their hair cut first.
Our nephew for his first cut cried so much my sister in law made them stop and did not finish. My mother in law had to catch him asleep and cut his bangs so he could see. He was very stylish with the hair. Much like most of the teenage boys running around now days. Or at least in my area. He finally did get his hair cut right before Christmas and they said he did a good job then.
I wanted to share something that would make my sister in law mad, only if she would read my blog. Anyways I mentioned back in October that our nephew pooped in Christopher's room in the floor back at his birthday party. Well this has been still going on until this weekend. The nephew I'll call him D stayed at the ma maw's house this weekend. Ma maw told D that if he pooped his pants or on the floor he would have to eat it. My SIL got very mad that her mom told him this. But he is no longer pooping his pants or on the floor. It just takes some encouragement to get the ball rolling. I thought this was very funny. Hey whatever works and she should know her mom would not really make him eat his poop. Heck if it was my kid I would go so far as to there nose with it if he had pooped his pants again. My SIL had tried everything everyone had told her but could not get him to stop.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Wipe Fight

This whole week Zack has been a very fussy baby. He will not go to sleep like usual and he has been fussy all day long. He started this on Sunday night so I know it is not just from going to the new daycare. Yesterday he was much better. He did not fuss much and was generally happy and in a playful mood.

I wanted to remember what all we did last night. While super was still cooking, Zack went over to the drawer and pulled out a spoon and started playing with it and climbing the step stool. He gets in trouble for this as I do not want him to fall off of it. I patted his butt with the spoon, I think he thought it was fun.

Next he played in the toy box. See it is under the buffet where the fish tank is. I put the toy box there because he kept crawling under there where the fish tank is plugged up at. By keeping the toy box there his toys are close by and he is not close to being shocked.

He then found a shoe and wanted me to put it on his foot. He only had one white one so I put the brown pair on him. He kept bringing me the white one and wanted it on his foot. I left one of the brown ones on and added the white one. He was content with that.

Now to our grand fun adventure. We had a wipe fight. Much like a snowball fight, Mikie and I threw waded up wipes at each other and at Zack. Chistopher was in his room. He heard us laughing and came out to enjoy the fun. It was really a blast. Zack would take the wipe back to Mikie. When he was hit in the face he thought it was really funny. He kept walking around in between us. I was dodging behind him. I would look for the one Mikie just threw at me and he would pelt me with more. He had an endless supply of wipes at his disposal. Finally I had to say it was time for bed. Zack was a little easier to put to bed. He still wanted to be held until he fell asleep. All thru the week we had to hold him until we was in a deep sleep, if not he would wake up and cry until we held him again and it would take forever to get him back to sleep.

Blogger and I almost had a fight. It put my pictures in different order, I had to fix it and turned some of them, that I do not know how to fix. I first did my pictures on photobucket and used the URL. That worked then didn't work. I have no idea what I am doing I suppose. No wonder I hardly ever put up any pictures. I will work on this and see if I can get better at it.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Where Has My Spare Time Gone

I had to elaborate on the picture in the header. That is Christopher with his tongue stuck to a pole in the snow. My mother in law kept him one day it snowed. She wanted to play in the snow with him and that they did. I used it for my first picture on our myspace page and got so many hits and comments on it.
I will get some pictures on here soon. It is just hard to do. My camera is at home and when I get online I am at work and Now when I had a spare minute at home I was reading this:
Now that I have read it I spend my spare time trying to find a book store that has:
That is what I spent my lunch hour doing today. I looked at Walmart, K-Mart and Krogger. They were the closest places to have books. On my way home I will stop by another Walmart that had all the books on Saturday. And yes I did read the whole thing since Saturday night. The seem to be very good and G rated so far. I think I will give the first one to my mom so she can start reading them. She read Harry Potter right behind me, so I think she will also enjoy these. I blame this on my friend M and My babysitter Mrs. M. They both talked about these books so much I had to try them out for myself.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The New Years Happenings

I had a slight adventure for New Year's Eve this year. We have friends who play in a band together. This was to be there last performance. We get out and see them quite a bit, so naturally we wanted to go and watch there last time together. I asked my mother in law a week before Christmas if she would watch our kids so we could go. She said she would if they did not go to Ohio then. They say this every year and never go. This year was no different, they did not go. So since they could keep our kids I bought the tickets for the show at twenty dollars a ticket. My mom also was going and we rode together to buy them. Come New Year's Eve Mikie asked if I had asked his mom about watching the kids, I had not so I told him to call and make sure. She said her sister was coming up from Florida and she could not watch them. Her sister did not get here until Friday. That is a couple days off in my book. My sister in law also asked it they would keep her kid. One of her friends rented a limo and she wanted to go out with them. Lease she had a DD right? Well she passed for her also. She did not go anywhere nor watch any kids. My dear husband stayed with ours so I could go out with my mom and dad. I did call around for a couple of young girls but they all had plans for the evening.
We go ahead and go to the VFW. If you have never been to the VFW it is the cheapest place to drink and the only place to get liquor in our county. They are also providing food, my mom and I go to the back and check out the food. They have sandwich stuff, little weenies, olives, some kinda dip in a loaf of bread and chips. Not the best, to tell you the truth I was expecting more. But really when your drinking do you really need to eat much? Round about 11:00 my dad was ready to go home, my mom only had one drink and was pretty much ready to go also. We talked to one of the band members and she said she would take me home. Now we really do know them, they come to our house for Thanksgiving every year. So I stayed on. I sat with a lady I only know as Momma. She is always anywhere the band is playing. I also met some interesting people at our table, who in fact may be kin to me. Ya know you can't throw a rock without hitting someone I'm kin to around here.
We also did champagne at midnight. I am not a fan and certainly not a fan of the cheap stuff as which they had there. We got a whole big bottle at that for our table. The lady who drove me home took it home with her for later.
On Friday Mikie's aunt finally came into town. They were at Mikie's moms house and rode around with them and went to my sister in laws house. They however did not come to our house. They wanted Mikie to bring the kids to the big town for them to see them. Fat chance on that. We do not understand why they can go to my sister in laws house, who goes to her mom's all the time and only has one kid, and they want us to get two kids ready and head out to their house for them to see us...hmmmm...They all wanted to go out for breakfast on Saturday morning. We all got ready and headed up there for breakfast at Shoney's. After eating we all stood in the entry way for a few minutes and then we moved outside. Christopher and I went to the car since it was cold outside and I did not have a jacket on. They wanted Christopher to go with them and spend the night. I said he is not allowed to go anywhere since he has not been very good lately. Do they really think he would get to go with them after they cost us money for New Year's Eve. I was sorta glad he was bad and couldn't go.