Thursday, March 19, 2009

Family Issues

I wanted to go over some things that has happened in the last couple of weeks. We had to have our septic tank cleaned out and then turns out we had to have the pipe from the house cleaned out also. Cost us 400.00. We asked My parents in law to watch our kids so we could run around in the yard in the rain helping to find our septic tank. She also kept Our nephew the same night. We went and got our kids as soon at the septic people were done. My parents in law wanted us to take Dane home also but I need to go to the eye doctor on the other side of town, so we did not take him home. I am so glad we did not. They go to take him home and no one is there and will not answer there cell phones. Finally they go by there again around 6 and they are home and drop off there grandson. At this point not a biggie. Monday Mikie looks up who got arrested on the Internet. This is public knowledge that is spread out on the Internet, everyone looks it up especially on Mondays to see who went to jail over the weekend. Mostly the guys at my work will find someone we work with and put up there mug shot for everyone to see, all fun and games. It so happens my sister in law went to jail that Saturday morning for public intoxication. Now I really don't think this is a big deal, I mean who has not been in the public and intoxicated at the same time. Any one of us could have went to jail at any time for this.
Mikie saw this on Monday morning and proceeded to call his dad about the situation, which made his dad mad about the whole thing, who told my mother in law about it. She was mad at Mikie for bringing it to his dad's attention. I guess they would rather not know where she is or has been? Anyways she gets all upset that she was a bad mother. She thinks her kids did not turn out so well, even my husband. She is relaying this to him on the phone and he is like wait a minute. How did I turn out so bad? I'm not clear on how she put examples on this to prove her point, but we are supporting ourselves, buying a house and never ask anything of them except to keep our kids every now and then and that is just so we don't have to get a sitter who will do no telling what while she is with our kids.
My sister in law was suppose to keep Zack last week for 3 days our daycare lady had to be off. I asked her in advance and she said she would. That was before going to jail and not talking to her brother. I call her on Sunday to make sure she will keep him because the daycare lady had to be off Monday and Tuesday for family issues, she told me she had a job interview on Monday and could not keep him any at all that week. I'm glad she called to let me know. That put us in a spot where we had to take off of work just to keep Zack. I still haven't heard if she got the job or really had an interview.
So Mikie is currently not talking to his family. His mom did call last night and ask how long can he go without talking to his mother. He said he would talk to her as long as she did not complain about anything, nor talk about his sister. He said he was tired of hearing about it and didn't want to talk to her or be near her at all.

1 comment:

Lisa said...


This too shall pass