3 Places I Go All the Time-
Work, My mom's, this week church (vacation bible school)
3 People Who Email me-
Debbie, Margaret, Michelle
3 Favorite Places I Like to Eat-
O'Charlie's, The Blackhorse, Jersey Mike's
3 Places I would rather be right now-
At home, in the mountains, at the beach
3 Projects I would like to get started-
Get our hot water heater installed-we will start today or tomorrow after t-ball, the roof, the kitchen floor from the water heater
3 People who might do this-
Chels, Tina, Jillybean
3 TV Shows I could watch over and over-Lost, Family guy, Grey's Anatomy
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Pea Garden
This is another large garden for peas and I'm not sure what else we will plant here. The peas are not up yet, so nothing to show there. If you are wondering my dad has a good size tractor he uses to plow and a tiller for tilling the main garden. We do not do much weeding. We will plow the peas and corn when they get bigger so he can see them as to not run over or plow them up. That is usually a family event. We will probably let Zack ride on the tractor with my dad ( it has a cab on it) and Christopher and I will walk behind him telling him how close he is to the plants.

The Corn Garden
This is the large corn garden. Its hard to come up with names for these. This is where the corn will be. We or I should say my mom and dad have already planted 4 rows of corn that did not come up. So they planted another 4 rows on the other side. We will stagger them out so we can have corn come in about 2 weeks apart so it should be easier to prepare and freeze. 
This is a bunny that wanted to have his picture taken. If you cant see him he is in the middle of the grass.
This is the corn starting to come up.

This is a bunny that wanted to have his picture taken. If you cant see him he is in the middle of the grass.

The Spring Garden
This is the small spring garden.
These are the onions with carrots between the onions and the cross bar next to the radishes. The carrots do not look anywhere close to being full grown.
These are the radishes, we usually do white and red ones. I think the red one are way better than white ones.
This is the other side of the radishes and the leaf lettuce.
If anyone has any ideas on how to put up any of this that would be greatly appreciated. My dad just loves to make wilted salad (we call it dutch). For those who don't know what it is, you take and the lettuce, cut up the radishes and onions put them in a bowl. You cook up some bacon and put the hot grease on top and stir it up. Most people I tell say its gross. But we really like it, it is very tasty. I have not ate it in years. I think it has got to be really bad for your veins. We do also eat the everything without the bacon grease.

These are the onions with carrots between the onions and the cross bar next to the radishes. The carrots do not look anywhere close to being full grown.

The Main Garden

This is our main garden. We have the fence mainly for the chickens and deer.

These are the cucumbers they line the fence almost all the way around. They are much easier to pick when they climb the fence.

On the left we have broccoli, on the right regular and Chinese cabbage.
These are the green beans in the middle. They look like the insects are loving them a bit.

Tomatoes on the left, squash in the middle and the green beans on the right.
Further left are the peppers (bell and hot) and okra. We also have something Mexicans put in salsa but we are not sure what it is. We planted it in the row with the broccoli.
Notes To Myself
note to self: nintendo DS w/ brain games. wii fit.
Zack b day water and sand table
Christopher- christmas wii
Zack b day water and sand table
Christopher- christmas wii
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Things You Can Do To A Mirror And It Doesn't Care

Not sure why my picture is turned the wrong way that's not how it is saved on my computer. Anyways I wanted to share what I had done to a mirror for the kids bathroom. I bought the mirror at a yard sale for I think 2 or 3 dollars. The transfers came from Big Lots for 2 dollars w/ lots of other transfers. The theme in the bath room is ducks. We have several rubber ducks that we will be putting on a shelf that I have also decorated but haven't taken pictures of yet. I will take more pictures when I get them put up. I thought the transfers were really cute and was originally going to put them on a picture frame but found the mirror and decided to use it.

Six Months Old Today
Zack is 6 months old today. He is such a happy baby, I hope he stays this way. Much like Christopher was and still is. His 6 month check up is in the middle of June. Lucky for us more shots. Just wanted to make note of his 1/2 birthday.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Long Busy Weekend
I just wanted to tell about our busy weekend. Starting with Friday night we had a graduation party to attend. There was food, cake, and some great chips and dip. We had left Zack at my moms and took Christopher since my friend had a boy 6 weeks older them him. They had a blast playing outside. The girls, as in adults no girl kids were there, stayed inside and talked and held the month old baby that was there. I however did not hold the baby, I am not a baby holder unless they are my own. Besides they are all kin to the baby and I am not. We later went to my moms so she would not have to get up with Zack in the morning. We woke up there and stay about 2 hrs and went home to do laundry.
Saturday afternoon we went to a BBQ. There was a little boy there 3 months older than Christopher they played really good together. The mother Courtney also had a little girl that is 3 months older than Zack. I just think it is kinda funny. I use to stay with Courtney at night when her parents were gone. We also met another couple with a 6 month old baby. There baby is actually 4 days younger that Zack. They are gonna build a house down our way soon. They were a really nice couple. We took the bounce house with us and the kids just loved it. Everyone there asked where we got it at. It was kinda a joke by the time the last person asked.
On Sunday we went to church and Mikie's mom and dad also went. Christopher was to get a certificate for graduating pre-k. Christopher is suck a clown. He was at the front of the Church telling where Cody was. He was getting a certificate also. After church we went home to pack for Zack and Christopher to go to their ma maw's house. We then left for the big town. We saw an add that said Sam's had Serta mattress's on sale for 298.00 for a queen and we so needed a mattress. On the way to town Mikie's mom calls and says she cannot watch the kids because her friends husband is in the hospital and she wanted her to come and sit with her. They said he had a heart attack and let him go home later in the day and said to see his doc on Tue. we so thought this was strange. But back to the story. We go to Sam's and the 298 mattresses were on the top shelf and no one would help us. So we bought the mattress for 398, it was the next step up, and really comfortable. We went on over to pick up the kids, went home and put our mattress on the bed. Then we were off to a little girls birthday party. I had stopped and got some water guns, i got 5, just enough. Their father cooked out. It was a good party. They shot each other and the adults with the water guns. Then they got out a birthday gift she received. A slip-n-slide with a pool at the end. They had the most fun with that.
Christopher is so shy, he would not even take off his wet shirt in front of everybody. He had to go in the house to dry off and undress. Zack did really good outside, the couple we met Saturday was also at the party yesterday with their baby. Both babies were very good. We did all of this and I never brought out my camera. So sad. Well I have to work today so I hope everyone else gets to enjoy their day off. It is raining here on and off so not so much fun for everyone around here. Sorry for the long post.
Saturday afternoon we went to a BBQ. There was a little boy there 3 months older than Christopher they played really good together. The mother Courtney also had a little girl that is 3 months older than Zack. I just think it is kinda funny. I use to stay with Courtney at night when her parents were gone. We also met another couple with a 6 month old baby. There baby is actually 4 days younger that Zack. They are gonna build a house down our way soon. They were a really nice couple. We took the bounce house with us and the kids just loved it. Everyone there asked where we got it at. It was kinda a joke by the time the last person asked.
On Sunday we went to church and Mikie's mom and dad also went. Christopher was to get a certificate for graduating pre-k. Christopher is suck a clown. He was at the front of the Church telling where Cody was. He was getting a certificate also. After church we went home to pack for Zack and Christopher to go to their ma maw's house. We then left for the big town. We saw an add that said Sam's had Serta mattress's on sale for 298.00 for a queen and we so needed a mattress. On the way to town Mikie's mom calls and says she cannot watch the kids because her friends husband is in the hospital and she wanted her to come and sit with her. They said he had a heart attack and let him go home later in the day and said to see his doc on Tue. we so thought this was strange. But back to the story. We go to Sam's and the 298 mattresses were on the top shelf and no one would help us. So we bought the mattress for 398, it was the next step up, and really comfortable. We went on over to pick up the kids, went home and put our mattress on the bed. Then we were off to a little girls birthday party. I had stopped and got some water guns, i got 5, just enough. Their father cooked out. It was a good party. They shot each other and the adults with the water guns. Then they got out a birthday gift she received. A slip-n-slide with a pool at the end. They had the most fun with that.
Christopher is so shy, he would not even take off his wet shirt in front of everybody. He had to go in the house to dry off and undress. Zack did really good outside, the couple we met Saturday was also at the party yesterday with their baby. Both babies were very good. We did all of this and I never brought out my camera. So sad. Well I have to work today so I hope everyone else gets to enjoy their day off. It is raining here on and off so not so much fun for everyone around here. Sorry for the long post.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
First Words
Just a quick little note, Zack has started saying da da. Mikie swears he heard him say mom ma the other day also. Heather (Daycare provider) also says he said mom ma yesterday. But me, Mikie and Christopher have heard him say da da. He is also rolling over now. Won't stay there long but is going over. He is also working hard on sitting up.
Friday, May 16, 2008
1st Of Many Graduations

Today was Christopher's Graduation from Pre-K. They had a really cute program. It had a cowboy theme. The sung some songs one being happy trails. It was really cute. They were lassoing and waving their hats around.

They also made wanted posters for us. They hung these in the hall way leading to the gym.

In the middle of the program they received their diplomas. I felt they should have done this last so they did not have their hands full while trying to lasso or way their hats around. But it was a really good program.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Clean As A Whistle

I wanted to make sure we got a picture of Zack's first bath in the big bath tub (I did have just first bath I dont want to give the idea that this is the first bath he has had since he was born). I will get giving baths to both at the same time. I hope it saves on time. I don't really like this seat but I now have the one that I had when Christopher was this small. It is the ring seat. I will take a pic of it when I get it cleaned up. Just got it yesterday. I did cut out some of Christopher, don't want anyone turning me in for kiddy porn. But they both had a good time in the tub. And everyone comes out clean. Zack loves his binky, just can not get a picture without it.
Really Wild Roses

I stuck the limb thru the porch railing on this side still trying to get it to attach and climb up.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Baby Birds
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Tornado Alley Moving To Tennessee
Friday night there was a tornado right by my work. This park is called Fair Grounds Park, it is quite large it had play areas for kids, soccer fields, boat ramp, RC airplane flying field and a outdoor arena area. It also use to have a large pavilion the first picture is where the pavilion use to stand. What is left is I think the bathroom that was on the end.
This next picture is a port a potty in the pond.
This is the debris from the pavilion. It was scattered everywhere.
This is the light pole across the street. At my work they did not have power Saturday morning and had to go home. My department does not work on Saturdays but I did try to call several times and the lines stayed busy for me. I don't think there was any damage to the buildings, but maybe some debris in the parking lot.
This is a close up of where the pavilion was. Behind it is where the concrete bleachers for the arena are.
This is suck a sad thing to happen here. They have all kinds of actives at the pavilion such as Oktoberfest, dog shows, parties, and lots more. One time they even had the Budweiser horses here for everyone to look at. The only good thing I can see coming from this is the community is arguing over whether to put an indoor complex for concerts, sporting events and such. Now This could be a good place to put it.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Damage Of Different Kinds
The pictures and me are not getting along. They just will not do what I want them to do. Anyways, the first two pictures are my honey suckle tree. I think it is very pretty. The late snow and extra dry summer did not effect it any.

The First picture below is my maple tree. I think this is simply the best looking tree in the yard. Such a good shade tree. Doesn't look like it had any ill effects either. Then next picture was badly damaged. I'm not sure what kinda bush it is but it is very pretty. It sits right off my back porch and is where our main entrance is to the house. It has survived being run over by vehicles when we moved in and getting pushed around when we mow the yard. It has looked great until this year. I did not take a picture of the whole bush because it looks so bad, I truly hope it will once again be as great as it once was. We had to cut out about 75% it out.

This is one of two Juliet magnolias, we had to cut about 40 to 50% off of each one but they still look OK. They were really big before. We have lost one tree that will have to be cut down, since it is next to our fence and on the other side is the neighbors shed. I don't want it to fall on anyone stuff.
I forgot to tell that my blood work came back in the normal but on the low normal and I haven't heard about the ultrasound yet. So I'm guessing its good.
We had bad storms here last night. I usually go to my moms when it's suppose to be bad and so we did last night. When we returned this morning, we had a leak where the water heater is. We originally thought it was the water heater but upon further inspection we discovered it was coming from the roof. We have a gas hot water heater and the exhaust pipe going thru the ceiling is where it was leaking. We had a guy that was looking at my mom's roof today look at ours also and we have smaller leaks around the exhaust fans in the bathrooms. I am going to call the insurance company next week. Almost everyone here has had to have some roof work done to there house this year. We were a little late than most. But hopefully they will pay there part. We are gonna try to put in the extra and have a metal roof put on. I have pics of the fairgrounds park next to my work that was hit by a tornado, I will post them tomorrow.
The First picture below is my maple tree. I think this is simply the best looking tree in the yard. Such a good shade tree. Doesn't look like it had any ill effects either. Then next picture was badly damaged. I'm not sure what kinda bush it is but it is very pretty. It sits right off my back porch and is where our main entrance is to the house. It has survived being run over by vehicles when we moved in and getting pushed around when we mow the yard. It has looked great until this year. I did not take a picture of the whole bush because it looks so bad, I truly hope it will once again be as great as it once was. We had to cut out about 75% it out.
This is one of two Juliet magnolias, we had to cut about 40 to 50% off of each one but they still look OK. They were really big before. We have lost one tree that will have to be cut down, since it is next to our fence and on the other side is the neighbors shed. I don't want it to fall on anyone stuff.
I forgot to tell that my blood work came back in the normal but on the low normal and I haven't heard about the ultrasound yet. So I'm guessing its good.
We had bad storms here last night. I usually go to my moms when it's suppose to be bad and so we did last night. When we returned this morning, we had a leak where the water heater is. We originally thought it was the water heater but upon further inspection we discovered it was coming from the roof. We have a gas hot water heater and the exhaust pipe going thru the ceiling is where it was leaking. We had a guy that was looking at my mom's roof today look at ours also and we have smaller leaks around the exhaust fans in the bathrooms. I am going to call the insurance company next week. Almost everyone here has had to have some roof work done to there house this year. We were a little late than most. But hopefully they will pay there part. We are gonna try to put in the extra and have a metal roof put on. I have pics of the fairgrounds park next to my work that was hit by a tornado, I will post them tomorrow.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Check Ups, Ebay, And A Day In The Yard
Zack is 5 months old and had his 4 month check up yesterday go figure. He is 17 lbs. and 27 and a half inches long. The doc told us we can start him on cereal, about 4 teaspoons a day. I didn't have the nerve to tell him he eats food 3 times a day already. I am so ready to be done buying formula. I did find a lady on eBay that is in town here and she sells me a jumbo can for $15.00. A jumbo can at walmart is 26 and some change and I get $5.00 off with coupons. But still that's not $15 a can. I may give a coupon to my mom so she can buy a can for her house and sell the rest on eBay.
A guy here at work bought something off of eBay about 2 months ago and has never received it. He didn't look that the guy had bad feedback. I told him to make sure he looks at that before he bids on stuff. You just never know.
After I got home and we ate super we all went outside and did a little trimming of the trees and bushes. My Juliet magnolias looked bad. They were half dead. We cut out all the dead parts and now they look scrawny. But I think they will grow better now. After the late snow last year and the summer with no rain they are just drained. The ones we cut off were very brittle. I will get some pic up soon. I also have a honeysuckle tree. My mom had never heard of these she argued with me that they grow on a vine. I told here they do and we have lots of those also but we have the tree too. I had never seen one until we moved to our house and now I see them alot. The Zackaroo sit in his stroller while we cut on the trees. He fell asleep after a short while. Christopher went over the the neighbors yard and talked to the little girl that lives there. She is a few years older than him but I think he had a good time. They just sat on the ground and talked.
I was suppose to go to my moms and help plant the garden but my dad said it was to windy. It wasn't windy at my house, but they are on more of a flat and we are kinda tucked under a small hill. So we don't feel the wind near as bad. Not sure what we will do for Mikie's birthday yet. Suppose to have a t-ball game but it's gonna rain, so who knows.
A guy here at work bought something off of eBay about 2 months ago and has never received it. He didn't look that the guy had bad feedback. I told him to make sure he looks at that before he bids on stuff. You just never know.
After I got home and we ate super we all went outside and did a little trimming of the trees and bushes. My Juliet magnolias looked bad. They were half dead. We cut out all the dead parts and now they look scrawny. But I think they will grow better now. After the late snow last year and the summer with no rain they are just drained. The ones we cut off were very brittle. I will get some pic up soon. I also have a honeysuckle tree. My mom had never heard of these she argued with me that they grow on a vine. I told here they do and we have lots of those also but we have the tree too. I had never seen one until we moved to our house and now I see them alot. The Zackaroo sit in his stroller while we cut on the trees. He fell asleep after a short while. Christopher went over the the neighbors yard and talked to the little girl that lives there. She is a few years older than him but I think he had a good time. They just sat on the ground and talked.
I was suppose to go to my moms and help plant the garden but my dad said it was to windy. It wasn't windy at my house, but they are on more of a flat and we are kinda tucked under a small hill. So we don't feel the wind near as bad. Not sure what we will do for Mikie's birthday yet. Suppose to have a t-ball game but it's gonna rain, so who knows.
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