We went to Christopher practice and it lasted about 15 minutes before the bottom dropped out and we all ran to the cars. Zack sounded worse today so I took him to the doctor while Mikie stayed home with Christopher to take him to practice this afternoon which was canceled. At the doctors office we did a breathing treatment that seemed to help alot. They also took x-rays in which I had to hold him while they took the x-rays, he screamed, oh so much fun. We went back to the room and found out he does not have RSV or puenomia. They did give us a nebulizer to take home. When we got home Mikie looked at the nebulizer and it doesn't have any hoses with it. So not much we can do with that and they are already closed. I do have a friend with one and she said we can barrow hers till we get one.
Now I am about to cook super, I'm thinking about BBQ chicken done in the oven, stewed potatoes or mashed, frozen corn from the garden from last year, and another veg. Maybe broccoli from the garden last year.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Dreading the Cold and Wet
We got our estimate on the roof for the porch. They wanted $4200.00. TO PUT A ROOF OVER A PORCH. I so dont see that it is that big a deal. I do have estimates that are not as high but am still looking around. We are off to T-ball practice tonight. It is 45 degrees and sprinkling so I should prove to be fun. lol. My mom is not going on her trip so she will watch Zack while we are out freezing. And I so would like a drink tonight. Is that bad form to have a drink and go to your kids t-ball practice. I'm sure I wont, but so would like to, I'm sure I will like to even more after pratice.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
T-ball, Eating and Fun Things Like That
We or rather Christopher starts T-ball practice on Friday night @ 6:30, I think its kinda late but i guess my opinion doesn't count. He also has practice at 9:00 the next morning. I have a cold or allergies going on and have to take Zack with us. My mom would watch him but she is going out of town this weekend with my dad, that is if she gets in a better mood with him. So the T-ball field is at the back of the park not even close to the parking area and right beside a creek, so its colder back there. I am so dreading this. But at the same time I want Christopher to get to try things to see what interest him.
Onward to other things, Zack is spending the day with my mother in law. She had Christopher all the time when he was little but he was the 1st grandchild. Dane is the second (nephew) and she spent a little less time with him. But that was mainly his moms fault she didn't want him to go anywhere. Then there is Zack, and I'm not sure he even knows who she is. She never comes to see him, if by some means she comes to our house its to get Christopher or drop him off and is there about five minutes. She would never stick to a schedule for Christopher when she had him and always still lets him sleep in the bed with her. I cant stand that because when he came home he would cry to sleep in the bed with us. When he was little she would hold him the entire time she kept him and he would cry the day he came home for hours. Zack hardly ever cries and I so don't want to start anything like that again.
Now to Zack since Sunday he has been spitting up way more than usual. At daycare he is spitting up his food(not milk) like 2 hrs after he eats it and after he has drank a bottle. Its so weird. He shouldn't be allergic to any of the food, he has been eating all of it for about a month already...I know bad mommy. But he is so hungry he needed something that would last a little while in his tummy. And about his tummy he will not do tummy time at all. He will stay on this tummy for about 5 minutes. and that is it. Christopher was always on his tummy. He would not stay on his back.
We are trying to have a roof put over our porch on the back of the house. Its the door we use to go in and out all the time. Its off of our kitchen. (thank goodness for auto saving) I have called several people out to give estimates. The first people gave an good price but I have heard bad things about them. The second guy will be out tonight to go over the estimates with us. He has worked up several different ways to do it. The other guy wanted $2000 just for labor. I think that is a little outrageous. My husband said he would be scared for the guy to get on our roof. And I think the guy really didn't want to do it and priced it as such. I have another guy who is 2 weeks out from looking at it. I know and can trust him(use to be my boss) so I know he will be worth the wait. But we will see what the guy tonight has to say about the the situation. We are also having someone bring us some churt(gravel that gets as hard at concrete once it settles). Our driveway washes out every time we have a hard rain. So hopefully this will rectify the problem, once we get it spread out and settled down. That's about all for today.
Onward to other things, Zack is spending the day with my mother in law. She had Christopher all the time when he was little but he was the 1st grandchild. Dane is the second (nephew) and she spent a little less time with him. But that was mainly his moms fault she didn't want him to go anywhere. Then there is Zack, and I'm not sure he even knows who she is. She never comes to see him, if by some means she comes to our house its to get Christopher or drop him off and is there about five minutes. She would never stick to a schedule for Christopher when she had him and always still lets him sleep in the bed with her. I cant stand that because when he came home he would cry to sleep in the bed with us. When he was little she would hold him the entire time she kept him and he would cry the day he came home for hours. Zack hardly ever cries and I so don't want to start anything like that again.
Now to Zack since Sunday he has been spitting up way more than usual. At daycare he is spitting up his food(not milk) like 2 hrs after he eats it and after he has drank a bottle. Its so weird. He shouldn't be allergic to any of the food, he has been eating all of it for about a month already...I know bad mommy. But he is so hungry he needed something that would last a little while in his tummy. And about his tummy he will not do tummy time at all. He will stay on this tummy for about 5 minutes. and that is it. Christopher was always on his tummy. He would not stay on his back.
We are trying to have a roof put over our porch on the back of the house. Its the door we use to go in and out all the time. Its off of our kitchen. (thank goodness for auto saving) I have called several people out to give estimates. The first people gave an good price but I have heard bad things about them. The second guy will be out tonight to go over the estimates with us. He has worked up several different ways to do it. The other guy wanted $2000 just for labor. I think that is a little outrageous. My husband said he would be scared for the guy to get on our roof. And I think the guy really didn't want to do it and priced it as such. I have another guy who is 2 weeks out from looking at it. I know and can trust him(use to be my boss) so I know he will be worth the wait. But we will see what the guy tonight has to say about the the situation. We are also having someone bring us some churt(gravel that gets as hard at concrete once it settles). Our driveway washes out every time we have a hard rain. So hopefully this will rectify the problem, once we get it spread out and settled down. That's about all for today.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Christopher and I made Easter eggs. He was so excited to do them, he has talked about it all week. I also made deviled eggs for Mikie's work they had a cookout today. So I bought 2& 1/2 dozen eggs, cooked them all and made deviled eggs out of more than have of them. The rest Christopher and I decorated. I found that we had 3 different sets of egg coloring kits so we used 2 sets on our eggs. I included the pics of Christopher after he colored the eggs. The other pic is after I put the eggs in a bowl to put in the fridge, I thought they looked so cute looking back at me. Everyone have a blessed Easter weekend.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Who Says There Are No Nice People Left
I work at a autobody repair shop. Yesterday a lady was dropping off her vehicle off and picking up a rental car. She had her little girl who was probly just shy of 2 yrs old in the van already, somewhere along there she droped the keys in the floor board and the van was locked so she shut the door and thus she locked her little girl in the car. One of our techs went out with a door opening kit to try and unlock the door but it did not work. The van was a 2008 Dodge Caravan, We are a Dodge dealer so we have the ability to look up the key code in order to make a key. The key will not start the van only unlock the door. So we had a key made at no cost and opened the door. She asked it she could do something for us and I told her not to. Well today she walks up with her kids and a bowl of easter eggs,2 12 pks of pepsi and diet pepsi, choclate bunnies and a gift card for subway. The gift card was enough I got a platter for the whole shop. We really did appreciate what she did but she really didnt have to many of us that work here have small kids and totally understand. I happened to be at lunch when most of that happened yesterday, when I walked up they were on there way to go and get the key.

Monday, March 17, 2008
The Bumbo Seat
This weekend we bought a Bumbo seat for Zack. I think he is gonna love it. I have to do something,he is so attached to his bouncy seat he will simply have a cow and he can sit up and can no longer use it. He does not like to swing very much, he will sit in his high chair for a lil bit, but so is not completely happy unless he is in the bouncer. He is gerring into floor time but still will not stay on his tummy for long. We had him on his tummy at just under a month and he rolled over a couple of time. After that he would just scream and I tried putting him on the boppy on his tummy, he just wants no part of it.

We also bought Christopher's T-ball equ. He is excited to play. But I was talking to someone at my work the other day and he was saying in baseball you just stand around waiting for something to happen which is true. But that soccer is more happening and they burn up more energy on it. We just do not have the time for soccer. It seem they are always at the field, we just can't do that with our work schudles and having a baby too.
I was so mad at Mikie on Saturday, he went to Nashville with his friend to buy a golf club. And of course when you go to the golf store with said friend he spends all day(I have been on one of these excursions). So instead of sleeping or spending time with us he goes to the golf store to buy a club for a game he can't afford to play. Make sense huh. He countered with he has been working his butt off, he is there alot. He is a supervisor so he gets to supervise alot. Its almost like he is on a swing shift. Some days some nights. The odd thing is when he works nights he gets like 6 dollars more because he is the shift leader. On days hes only an operator.
I guess that is enough ranting.

We also bought Christopher's T-ball equ. He is excited to play. But I was talking to someone at my work the other day and he was saying in baseball you just stand around waiting for something to happen which is true. But that soccer is more happening and they burn up more energy on it. We just do not have the time for soccer. It seem they are always at the field, we just can't do that with our work schudles and having a baby too.
I was so mad at Mikie on Saturday, he went to Nashville with his friend to buy a golf club. And of course when you go to the golf store with said friend he spends all day(I have been on one of these excursions). So instead of sleeping or spending time with us he goes to the golf store to buy a club for a game he can't afford to play. Make sense huh. He countered with he has been working his butt off, he is there alot. He is a supervisor so he gets to supervise alot. Its almost like he is on a swing shift. Some days some nights. The odd thing is when he works nights he gets like 6 dollars more because he is the shift leader. On days hes only an operator.
I guess that is enough ranting.
Friday, March 14, 2008
I so don't feel good today, I have a cold and I am so tired of lazy people. I'm tired of doing the same routine everyday. I won't hardly vary from the routine because I'm afraid Zack will get off kilter and not sleep good at night. Yesterday I wore my clogs to work and my feet were killing me by the end of the day. This morning I was not sure I was gonna be able to walk on them today. This is the first time I have wore them all day since I was pregnant. I have been wearing my K-Swiss, which I like but I'm not really a tennis shoe person. Back to people being lazy, when you go to work, work, don't stand around looking lost. I better leave it at that if I go any further I will get even madder about it. Zack had a cold with me but he is getting better, I felt better yesterday but today its yucky outside I'm guessing that has something to do with it. Anyways if your reading this I hope you have a good weekend.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Zack has started giggling, I have tried to catch it on video but everytime I bring out the camera he just stairs at the camera insead of smiling or giggling.
A Little Family History
I am so not a writer, I don't like to write but I thought this might be fun and I can always show it to the kids when they get older. I dont have a clue on how to add photo yet so hopefully I will get there. I suppose I should start with some backgrounds, My name is Sarah I am Married to Mikie (everyone calls him Mikie so it is stuck). We have two kids, Christopher who is 5 yrs. old and in Pre-K, and Zack who is 3 mos. old.
Lets start with me I guess; I grew up in the country and still live there, actually I'm within 8 miles of where I started at. I really love it there, small town but still kinda close to a big town. I went to a small town school, we had 3 schools for the whole county(2 elem. 1 high school). I haven't traveled much just a little, from the east coast to just past the Mississippi River, from Michigan to Flordia. We are about in the center of all ot those places in Tennessee. O I didnt mention I am an only child. I should be spoiled but I dont think I am, I had to work hard when I was a kid.
Now with my husband Mikie; he came from Ohio his mom joined the army and they were stationed at Kentucky, Tennessee, and Germany. While they were in Germany they traveled Europe all over. He has a sister, she is a little on the crazy side. She is younger then Mikie but not by much so they dont get along to well. I get along with her way better than he does. That is in fact how I met Mikie. I met Amanda(sister) first, he was working on the boat (river barge) at the time I met her then he moved to Florida for a short while. He moved back and in with Amanda who was living with her friend. Me and Casey went to pick up Amanda to go out and eat when Mikie was there. No one introduced us at that time. I did ask in the car who he was, I had heard alot about him from Amanda, Casey and some of his friends.
We moved in together for about 2 months, then I moved out at his request. He kept bugging me after that, I went on with my life and came back around to see Amanda(we were better friends when I wasnt dating her brother). He had a party one night and me and Casey went to visit with Amanda. I guess he missed me because he did not leave my side the whole time I was there. After that we started hanging out again. I moved back in around August and then Sept. 11 happened. I decied I wanted to have a baby. He didnt mind the idea so we started to try and get pregnant. It took almost 6 mos. to get there but we finally did.
Onward to Christopher; I always thought he was such a good baby, and he was, until we had Zack(I'll get to him in a minute). It is so fun watching them grow and teaching them things. He learned to walk at 10 mos. He always jabbered away, and once he leared to talk with real words he never shuts up. at diner, driving in the car, whatever, and he just comes up with crazy stuff to say like he likes hearing himself talk. He is really smart, he is learing how to read when I have the time, school is not doing that for him yet. We took him to Orlando we went to SeaWorld when he was 3 yrs old. he still remembers it. He loved it. We did not go to Disney World because I wanted to wait until he was older, they were also having a tropical storm at the time no fun in the rain. I took him skating a few weeks ago he had a blast. Had to get him toddler skates the regular ones were to hard to him to stand up on.
When I was pregnant, we so couldn't figure out a name, I had always wanted 2 boys, but after I had Christopher I wanted a girl for all the cute little clothes and things. Christopher wanted a brother like his friend Cody. Christopher and Cody are 6 wks apart but Cody went to kindergarden this year and Christopher could only go to Pre-K and that was a battle to get him in there. Anyways I think Christopher was really excited to be getting a little brother. He always talked about the baby.
Onward to Zack; He is the best baby, I can tell already he will be a talker to, he coos and jabbers all the time.(I just saw the auto save that is so cool) He doesn't care to be held. I remember comeing home from work and haveing to attend to Christopher, Zack is just as happy sitting in his bouncy seat bouncing away. We try to mix it up he is big enough to go into the walker and seems to like it. I'm sure he will like it even more when he can make it move. Christopher actually feeds Zack and does a good job. While I'm on my way home Mikie makes dinner at the same time Zack needs to eat so Christopher gets to feed him. o forgot to mention that Zack is 3 mos. old. He goes to a home daycare and the lady has another baby a girl who is 2 weeks older than Zack, I know her mom and we joked with our moms that since she was having a girl and me a boy, she already had a girl and me a boy we would just switch. lol.. But back to the babysitter(Heather) she is so good with them, she puts the babies on the floor together and they talk to each other and pull at each others clothes. I'm gonna send my camera so she can take pics and video of them.
I think this is enough to start I will try to get some pics of us up...
Lets start with me I guess; I grew up in the country and still live there, actually I'm within 8 miles of where I started at. I really love it there, small town but still kinda close to a big town. I went to a small town school, we had 3 schools for the whole county(2 elem. 1 high school). I haven't traveled much just a little, from the east coast to just past the Mississippi River, from Michigan to Flordia. We are about in the center of all ot those places in Tennessee. O I didnt mention I am an only child. I should be spoiled but I dont think I am, I had to work hard when I was a kid.
Now with my husband Mikie; he came from Ohio his mom joined the army and they were stationed at Kentucky, Tennessee, and Germany. While they were in Germany they traveled Europe all over. He has a sister, she is a little on the crazy side. She is younger then Mikie but not by much so they dont get along to well. I get along with her way better than he does. That is in fact how I met Mikie. I met Amanda(sister) first, he was working on the boat (river barge) at the time I met her then he moved to Florida for a short while. He moved back and in with Amanda who was living with her friend. Me and Casey went to pick up Amanda to go out and eat when Mikie was there. No one introduced us at that time. I did ask in the car who he was, I had heard alot about him from Amanda, Casey and some of his friends.
We moved in together for about 2 months, then I moved out at his request. He kept bugging me after that, I went on with my life and came back around to see Amanda(we were better friends when I wasnt dating her brother). He had a party one night and me and Casey went to visit with Amanda. I guess he missed me because he did not leave my side the whole time I was there. After that we started hanging out again. I moved back in around August and then Sept. 11 happened. I decied I wanted to have a baby. He didnt mind the idea so we started to try and get pregnant. It took almost 6 mos. to get there but we finally did.
Onward to Christopher; I always thought he was such a good baby, and he was, until we had Zack(I'll get to him in a minute). It is so fun watching them grow and teaching them things. He learned to walk at 10 mos. He always jabbered away, and once he leared to talk with real words he never shuts up. at diner, driving in the car, whatever, and he just comes up with crazy stuff to say like he likes hearing himself talk. He is really smart, he is learing how to read when I have the time, school is not doing that for him yet. We took him to Orlando we went to SeaWorld when he was 3 yrs old. he still remembers it. He loved it. We did not go to Disney World because I wanted to wait until he was older, they were also having a tropical storm at the time no fun in the rain. I took him skating a few weeks ago he had a blast. Had to get him toddler skates the regular ones were to hard to him to stand up on.
When I was pregnant, we so couldn't figure out a name, I had always wanted 2 boys, but after I had Christopher I wanted a girl for all the cute little clothes and things. Christopher wanted a brother like his friend Cody. Christopher and Cody are 6 wks apart but Cody went to kindergarden this year and Christopher could only go to Pre-K and that was a battle to get him in there. Anyways I think Christopher was really excited to be getting a little brother. He always talked about the baby.
Onward to Zack; He is the best baby, I can tell already he will be a talker to, he coos and jabbers all the time.(I just saw the auto save that is so cool) He doesn't care to be held. I remember comeing home from work and haveing to attend to Christopher, Zack is just as happy sitting in his bouncy seat bouncing away. We try to mix it up he is big enough to go into the walker and seems to like it. I'm sure he will like it even more when he can make it move. Christopher actually feeds Zack and does a good job. While I'm on my way home Mikie makes dinner at the same time Zack needs to eat so Christopher gets to feed him. o forgot to mention that Zack is 3 mos. old. He goes to a home daycare and the lady has another baby a girl who is 2 weeks older than Zack, I know her mom and we joked with our moms that since she was having a girl and me a boy, she already had a girl and me a boy we would just switch. lol.. But back to the babysitter(Heather) she is so good with them, she puts the babies on the floor together and they talk to each other and pull at each others clothes. I'm gonna send my camera so she can take pics and video of them.
I think this is enough to start I will try to get some pics of us up...
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