Remember the pictures I told you we had done of the kids at Sam's Club? Well there is a little story behind picking them up. I had an appointment to pick them up on Sunday, as in this past Sunday when I was in Florida. The little girl called and told me they were in on Friday and asked if I could come and get them that day. I told her I had to work until 5 and go home and pack to go to Florida, but I would find someone to come and get them. Well I forgot, put that on the growing list of things I forget to do. She calls me Sunday at 2:15 and asked me to please come and get my pictures or they will charge me 12 bucks to send them to me. I told her I was out of town but will find someone to pick them up, I asked her how long she would be there. She said until 3. So I had 45 minutes to find someone to pick them up. No problem, my mom and dad go to town every Sunday. I call my dad on his cell phone and my mom is out in the yard somewhere. But they were at Sam's yesterday and saw the picture people handing out the pics. Why does it not cross her mind to call me and ask about my pics? Your guess is as good as mine. But after reading this I'm sure she will call and tell me. ha ha. That is a no go. I call my aunt who lives in town and she is in Nashville for the day. Also a no go. I call Kim thinking she may perhaps be in Clarksville, she has a Sam's card. She was at home and her mom was also. Again a no go. I call Mikie's mom, she also lives in town. She was keeping Zack and sick. She said she still had her pj's on. I'm thinking this is not getting me anywhere, by now it is 2:30. I finally break down and call Mikie who is at home but will not make it there in time, for him to go and attempt to get them. After much fussing he leaves. I call the lady back on her cell to tell her he will be a little late, She doesn't answer. I call information and get connected to the Sam's club and they transfer me to the picture lady so I can inform her that he will be late.
Upon arriving at Sam's club Mikie has to wait in line for the pics. He gets up there and says they are all really cute. I told him I only really wanted the free one but if he could pick up the proofs for a reasonable price we would get them also. The proofs were 80 dollars. He said they were extremely cute. If you don't go to Sam's club then you would not know they do not take Visa. Visa check card good. Visa credit card bad. All Mikie had with him was the Visa. The Master card was at the house. So we only got the free 11x13. Still looks good doesn't it?

This picture is when we went to Gatlinburg. Margaret would not take it with us. My mom wanted to look like a hoochy momma. She did a good job huh.
As you can tell I like old timey photos. We usually get to see some old ones from our family on our reunion that will be on Saturday. We will more than likely not go because of Zack surgery. I will however take Christopher up there to see all of his cousins.
Those boys sure looks sweet in that picture. Glad you got at least one.
Cute photos! What an ordeal!
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