Lets start with his meds. We filled an antibiotic, something for pain (loratab) and a liquid for bladder spasms. Bladder Spasms, what are those? If you have a catheter you have a chance of having these very painful bladder spasms. I'm guessing a spasm in the bladder. The nurse said they are very painful and the child will not stop wailing until they receive the medication for it. She told us we could give it to him every 8 hours to keep him from having them.
After we stopped at the pharmacy we went on home. Zack slept on and off the rest of the evening. He went along with eating normally and went to bed on time. I don't think he woke up any at all that night. In the morning when he woke up, he was back to his old self. I had scheduled his 9 month check up since we would already be off. The hubs wanted me to cancel it because he would not feel up to it after his surgery. I decided to wait it out and if I need to I could cancel that morning. He was feeling great so we went ahead with the appointment. After that we went to eat and did a little shopping. We also stopped by my work. We then ventured to school to pick up Chistopher. We decided we should stop by daycare to see if Mrs. H could deal with the double diaper duty. She took off his diaper and checked it out and said she could handle it.
Inside diaper. The hole is kinda hard to grasp at first. But after you get the hang of it, you can do it really easily.
The rest of the week went pretty smooth. He had to go back to the doctor about 5 days after his surgery. The doctor first took off the plastic around his penis. It slipped right off., no trouble at all. He then took off the stitches around the tube. This was kinda hard to watch, a screaming baby and a man with a pair of scissors around that area. After a few minutes he was able to get the stitches cut. He then pull and pull and the tube finally was out. It was about 10 to 12 inches long. I think Mikie about threw up right there when he saw how long the tube was. Zack kept screaming for a few minutes after this. The doctor said it looked really good. We finally left, I went to work and Mikie went home with Zack. He was a little fussy the rest of the day but not to bad.He did however cry really bad when he peed. They told us this would happen the first time he peed. He did not pee until around 6. Mind you they took the tube out around 9. He cried and peed, cried and peed. Then a little later he peed again. Again with the crying. She said only the first time.
That night he did not cry any when he peed nor did he wake up. The next morning he went to daycare. Mrs. H said he cried just a little when he peed the first time but after that he had no more problems.
The only problem he has now is when he goes to the doctor and lays on the table he screams. He just does not like to be on the table at all.
Sarah, Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with this little known condition. It sounds like it has worked out with Zack and he will not have any memories of this ordeal once he is older. You take care.
Congratulations to your baby and your family for the successful operation.
I'm a new mum from China, and my son also suffer from hypospadias. I think I got so much help from reading your blog.Thank you very much!
Could you pls tell me how old is your son when he took the surgery? And what kind of operate method did the doctor use?
My E-mail address is :cinderelin@qingdaonews.com
If you have time could you pls reply by e-mail.Thanks a lot!
Hypospadias is an isolated problem & all the child requires is a good surgery to correct the defect. In most (80-85%) cases, a single operation is sufficient to correct hypospadias with excellent results. Dr. VVS Chandrasekharam is the Best hypospadias specialist in Hyderabad has done over 500 hypospadias repairs. He has over 90% success with single-stage correction of most hypospadias (including moderate to severe hypospadias with chordee). Best surgeon for failed hypospadias in Hyderabad
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Dr. VVS Chandrasekharam is the Hypospadias expert in Hyderabad has done over 500 hypospadias repairs. He has over 90% success with single-stage correction of most hypospadias.
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